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Caltech Air and Outer Space (CAOS) CRATER
A picture of “Ernie”, the robot I helped build for the Crater team. Don’t mind the filament boxes to prop the robot up. They got the job done.

Caltech Air and Outer Space (CAOS) CRATER

Caltech Robotics
Walking through the Caltech campus, turned into an amazing unpredictable Robotics project.


During my internship at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, I was primarily focused on CyberCAT with the goal of developing a usable version of the software by the end of the internship. While I was not housed on the caltech campus, I did spend a lot of time at Caltech. This project is something that came about when I was walking through the campus, and saw two members of the Caltech Air and Outer Space Club working on the Crater robot testing their robot outside.

I decided to ask about what they were doing and found out they were working on the testing the controls for the robot preparation for a competition. Kevin, the person I was working with that night, was kind enough to offer if I would like to help them with the project. As I was looking for an after hours project, and was somewhat familiar with the Robot Operating System they were using, I decided to help. My goal was to get remote driving controls working with the robot. That is how the following 3 weeks of contributions came about.

I spent most of my time doing the following:

  • Setting up their base station computer to communicate with the robot.
  • Building a simulation of the robot in Gazebo + URDF
  • Writing python files to connect the robot to an xbox controller.
  • Rewriting the Controller Area Network bus to allow the robot to communicate among the six motors.
  • Reconfiguring the motors to allow for controller to appropriately command the robot.
  • Configuring teleop-twist to allow for the robot to be controller with the xbox controller. (This was the last part, and the one area of I wish I could’ve gotten to work better! Thank to Kevin, after bringing the robot to the Canadian International Rover Challenge, he was able to rotation working better on the robot!)
Close photo of Ernie wiring
A photo of my neatly-kept ODrive S1 CAN port wiring. As best as I could!
More pictures coming at some point…